Saturday, June 15, 2013

How to win the Lottery - Tatts Lotto - Saturday Lotto - Any Lotto

There are always lots of lotteries offering big prizes around us.
But how can we win these big prices?

I always had an eye on them and tried to understand more about numbers and their statistics. Nobody has the absolute answer and nobody can guess the lottery numbers, but is absolutely verified that by checking the previously drawn numbers and calculating statistics you can improve your chances of winning the lottery.

I won't give you any crystal ball, but I will try to post here relevant statistics that could help you win. I will start with Saturday Lotto / Tatts Lotto and based on feedback that I get from readers this post could evolve and become an independent page or even a whole nine yards website.... who knows?

Where can you find the raw data? 
Few Aussie official lottery sites don't publish anymore the whole past draws, but you still can find them on Lottery West and Tatts websites:

What can we do with all these numbers?
What I normally calculate is the frequency, pairs, triplets, quartets, draws sum and then group the numbers in four different categories 'hot', 'cold', 'due' and 'previous'.
'hot' - numbers drawn in the last 10 draws, but not the last draw
'cold' - numbers having a lower overall frequency and  not drawn in the last 10 draws
'due' -  numbers having a higher overall frequency and  not drawn in the last 10 draws
'previous' - numbers drawn in the last draw 

All this stuff can help filter out the numbers that are unlikely to be drawn in the next draw.

How exactly?
For all past draws I have calculated  frequency, pairs, triplets, quartets, draws sum and then group the numbers in four different categories 'hot', 'cold', 'due' and 'previous'..... so I could see a pattern:
About 66% of drawn numbers are 'hot' number
About 15% of drawn numbers are 'cold' numbers
About 6% of drawn numbers are 'due' numbers
About 13% of drawn numbers are 'previous' numbers

This pattern is almost the same, over time.....draw after draw, since '86.

So, what can you do?
If you play 6 numbers, play 4 x 'hot', 1 x 'cold', 1 x 'previous' get fewer numbers to choose from and more chances to win based on stats of historical data.

If you want to increase the chances to win a price (not necessarily the big one), play 6 or 7 or 8 'hot' numbers...

Just created this Lotto Statistics database, which will be updated weekly for Tattslotto Statistics:

The Lotto Statistics database is fully searchable and the powerful advanced search function finds quickly the pair, triplet or analysis that you are after.

If you need statistics for other lotteries please comment and I will create more online databases for lottery statistics...


  1. hot combinations for today 22nd June TattsLotto draw:

    Good Luck!

  2. very cold number - no chance to be drawn today 24, 27, 29, 39, 45....let's see

  3. recommended number for today 13th July - is DUE number 5

  4. Great advice.Thanks for sharing such a nice post.I like it.

  5. All your hard work is much appreciated. Nobody can stop to admire you. Lots of appreciation. lottery in michigan

