Monday, August 8, 2011

Search Engine Optimisation Tips - Part 3

On-Site Optimization
Content matters, but few things have an immediate, positive effect upon your Site, so add them in your TO DO LIST of ON-SITE Optimization.

Write your Meta(s) - Meta Title and Meta Description are the most important ones - for people and for Google bot.

Meta Title is the blue underlined text displayed in the search results page for each site. 

Meta Description is the black text that usually follows, underneath the title.

Both represent the essence of your business, you have less than 100 characters to summarize your activity in your title and a bit more than that in your meta description.

They both need to contain your most valuable keywords, written in a human-friendly and Google-friendly way.

Once you have done this, could be enough to get your site listed in Top 100. Of course is not enough to be in Top 100 and everybody wants to be in Top 10.

If you want to play tough, on-site optimization could be applied further and you should optimize your:
  • meta keywords - add more keywords
  • body text - stuffed with your most marketable keywords, do not over-do it
  • H1 Headings - good place for a strong keyword
  • bold text - another nice place for few more strong keywords
  • anchor text -add your most valuable keys
  • image alt texts - first thing, all images should have ALT text; secondly, they should be stuffed with keywords - smartly put - human readable and BOT friendly
  • Don't Forget - Site Load Time Matters - if you have a huge, highly optimized Site, which is very slow - it will not DO well - speed matters a lot and keep an eye on it.
 If you need software help to DO all these ON-SITE OPTIMIZATION stuff, WEBSITE Auditor is a nice software, that lets you analyze and export pretty useful reports.

You can try it for free from here.

For more  info about ON-SITE OPTIMIZATION - drop us an email at:



1 comment:

  1. don't try to make on-site optimization a hobby job coz off-site optimization still matters most

